
Masing2 ada citarasa yg berbeza..Kek Batik byk versi..
Ada yg suka jenis ranggup keras ketung patah gigi..
Ada yg suka jenis lembut masuk mulut eh hilang..Mana pergi..
Ada yg jenis suka manis potong kaki
Ada yg jenis suka yg sedang2 saja elok pekerti manisnya.

Everyone has different taste.. Batik cake has a lot of version..
Is there anyone who likes the type of hard-crispy and broken teeth..
Is there anyone who likes a soft type to enter the mouth eh it’s gone.. where to go..
Is there anyone who likes to be sweet, cut your legs
There are some kind of likes that are just nice to be sweet..

So want to tell.. only to say batik batik indulgence sis juz nice… so sweet.. so sweet..
It’s better to get in the mouth.. Half a box is finished… come and try it

Mini Box Rm15
Size 4 = 4