

The Department of Community Development or more commonly synonymous with the general public as KEMAS is an extension of the Adult Education Division, which was established in 1961, through the cabinet paper No. 385/25/60 with a major focus on the “Loss Abolition” program.

By 1977, this illiterate eradication movement was enhanced by the introduction of the UNESCO concept of ‘Functional Literacy’ as an effort to make the poverty eradication movement one of the strategies for developing rural communities.

Following the launch of the “New Economic Policy” (1970), this section has been renamed the “Community Development Division” (KEMAS) with a focus on community development efforts in the true sense


Extra Virgin Olive Oil plus 30X daripada aafiyat olive house, merupakan produk pemakanan yang semulajadi, organik, berkualiti tinggi dan terbukti secara kajian saintifik memberikan impak positif kepada setiap pengguna.Selain itu, banyak produk-produk makanan sunnah daripada aafiyat house seperti cuka teen, jus delima, pati minyak zaitun, choco, ubat gigi dan sebagainya. Ia semestinya produk yang halal lagi suci.


Every day, tens of thousands of refugee men, women and children in Malaysia are in desperate need of protection and assistance. 

You can help make a difference in the lives of refugees by:

  • Raising awareness on the plight of refugees by learning more and speaking to your community
  • Make a donation that directly translates into helping to improve assistance programmes including more children attending school, or more refugees being able to afford healthcare.


Majlis Belia Negeri Kelantan( MBK ) ialah sebuah pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO) yang mewakili golongan belia di Negeri Kelantan, ianya adalah sebuah pertubuhan di bawah Majlis Belia Malaysia ( MBM ). MBK dianggotai oleh  dua puluh (20) buah badan gabungan peringkat negeri dan daerah. 

Didaftarkan di bawah Akta Pertubuhan Belia Dan Pembangunan Belia 2007 (Akta 668) Pada 06 Januari 2009 ianya ditubuhkan dengan tujuan untuk mengalakkan kemajuan belia yang seimbang di semua bidang ekonomi, sosial, mental, fizikal, akhlak dan politik.

Majlis Belia Kelantan (MBK) adalah Badan induk yang menyelaraskan dan mengkoordinasi pertubuhan belia di peringkat negeri.


MRBB TRAINING & CONSULTANCY Provide service consultant and training ..contact 011-12343769(Mr Riez) if have any inquiry #mrbbtrainingconsultancy #teambuilding #success #activities #motivation 

  1. Team building indoor & outdoor
  2. Motivation Talk
  3. Safety and security training
  4. Career talk/training
  5. Management training
  6. Company/family trip activity